Search Ads
Smarter search campaigns.
Get the most from your search campaign management. Search Ads 360 helps you respond to an ever-changing market in real time and at scale.
Search Ads 360 overview
Search Ads 360 is a search management platform that helps agencies and marketers efficiently manage some of the largest search marketing campaigns in the world, across multiple engines and media channels.
Streamlined workflow and powerful reporting features enable buyers to efficiently run campaigns, while automated bidding improves campaign performance. Built-in integration with the Google Marketing Platform allows buyers to manage and track digital campaigns across a single platform, enabling rich, cross-channel buying, reporting and attribution.

How unified campaign management can help.
Respond in real time.
Give your search campaigns an edge with up-to-the-minute data and improve the performance of your search campaigns with Smart Bidding.
Build connected campaigns.
Know what’s working and what’s not by connecting your search campaigns with your other digital channels.
Make better business decisions.
Get the insights you need to understand the customer journey and make more informed decisions with robust reporting features, attribution tools, and third-party solutions.
Multi-user and multi-campaign control.
Unlike Google Ads, SA360 can provide integrated views across more than a single user and can be used to coordinate and learn from multiple campaigns simultaneously.

Designed to work together.
Save time and increase efficiency with Search Ads 360 and integrations across the Google Marketing Platform.
Analytics 360
Tap into data from Analytics 360 to power your search campaigns, bid strategies, rules, and more. See your Floodlight Conversions alongside Analytics 360 metrics and use non-last click attribution models based on Analytics 360 activity columns.
Display & Video 360
Use a single set of Floodlight tags to measure deduplicated conversions from search, display, social and rich media. You can also re-engage customers with display remarketing from search with Search Ads 360.